The Town of Bourne Emergency Management Office is excited to announce that all alerts and notification will now be provided by the Smart911 platform and is now available to all residents. BourneAlerts powered by Smart9111 will be replacing the CodeRED notifications and is a free service. BourneAlerts keeps residents and travelers informed on potentially hazardous situations involving weather, traffic and other emergencies.

BourneAlerts allows us to notify the public in real time. This service allows us to better send critical information to residents and provide them with the information needed to stay safe or take precautions during hazardous or emergency situations.


BourneAlerts allows residents and travelers to Bourne to sign up for free at to receive timely and actionable emergency alerts via email, text or voice message on their cell phones. They can also identify when and how they are alerted and communicated with before, during, and after emergencies.

Residents who sign up will receive notifications that will improve safety in our city and help inform them of potentially lifesaving actions they may need to take in an emergency. The information sent out by BourneAlerts allows both residents and first responders to be better informed in an emergency situation.

When authorities have information about a situation, such as storm or emergency we can help our residents to be better prepared by sending out vital information instantly through these notifications. We encourage all members of our community and their families’ sign up for BourneAlerts in order to be prepared should an emergency occur.

BourneAlerts is provided by Rave Mobile Safety and is trusted by thousands of institutions including state and local authorities, business and educational institution. Rave Alert sends millions of messages daily and performs flawlessly in critical situations such as severe weather. Individuals receive notifications on how your community plans to prepare and act.

Residents are encouraged to sign up for BourneAlerts and input their information and notification preferences today at They will immediately be able to receive emergency notifications. BourneAlerts is private and secure, is only used for emergency responses, and only made available to the 9-1-1 system in the event of an emergency



BUSINESS:  508-759-4420


POLICE CHIEF: Brandon M. Esip