
The revised Town of Bourne Bylaw, Article 3.1.17: Hawkers and Peddlers:  Door-to-Door Sales, has new requirements for how to apply for a Permit to Solicit and Sell in the Town of Bourne and what regulations exist regarding these activities.  The complete bylaw is available at the link to the right.


UPDATED: March 29, 2023

The updated bylaw establishes a "No Solicitation List" which all Hawkers and Peddlers in Town must review prior to performing any door to door sales.  Door-to-Door Salespersons licensed to work within the Town of Bourne are prohibited from soliciting at any of the addresses on the list.  The "No Solicitation List" only contains addresses, organized alphabetically by street name, with no other identifiers.

How to Add Your Address to the No Solicitation List

If you are a resident or property owner in the Town of Bourne, you can add your property to the "No Solicitation List" free of charge.  Just complete the form below and your address will be added to the list 

How to Apply to Perform Door-to-Door Sales

If you would like to apply to perform Door-to-Door sales within the Town of Bourne, you must complete an application and submit it in person to the Bourne Police Department.  At the time you submit your application, a member of the department will take your photo and you must submit the $50 application fee.  Within the next 10 working days, your application will be reviewed and you will be notified of the result.  If the application is approved, you will receive a Permit to Solicit and Sell that you must carry whenever performing Door-to-Door Sales.

Activities Exempt from the Bylaw

Nothing in the bylaw shall be construed to impose any license requirement or otherwise restrict or in any way regulate any activity for non-commercial purposes, including, but not limited to, any activity for religious, charitable, civic, or political purpose, regardless of whether such activity includes acts that would otherwise constitute soliciting. 

Additionally, in accordance with Massachusetts General Law Chapter 101 Section 17, persons and organizations offering for sale newspapers, religious publications, ice, flowering plants, and such flowers, fruit, nuts, and berries as are wild and uncultivated shall be exempt from paying the Permit to Solicit and Sell fee; however, they must still make themselves known to the Chief of Police and abide by all other regulations in this bylaw.  

Hawkers and Peddlers/Door to Door Sales

Bylaw 3.1.17

Download/View Bylaw


Current Authorized Hawkers/Peddlers

Permit #H-A1

Joshua Warren Ocharsky

Eco Wash

Authorized 2PM-6PM Every Day

2015 Silver Nisan Altima - MA 8SG959

Permit #H-A2

Rahim O'Neil Boucher

Eco Wash

Authorized 2PM-6PM Every Day
2015 Silver Nisan Altima - MA 8SG959

Permit #H-A3

Kirk Michael FitzGerald

Cranberry's LLC DBA The Bog Tavern

Door to Door Sales Not Authorized

Food Service from Truck at The Bog Tavern


POLICE CHIEF: Brandon M. Esip


BUSINESS:  508-759-4420